Hermitage Volleyball Club


HVC Membership Terms and Conditions

Hermitage Volleyball Club's Aim:

a)     Meet weekly to enjoy, play and practice volleyball and take part in Local and Regional competitive volleyball tournaments.

b)     To welcome and encourage players of all abilities from beginners to the more experienced player.

c)     To promote Volleyball in the local community.

Hermitage Volleyball Club Subscription:

a)     Membership is open to all those interested in furthering the aims of the group and no person shall be excluded from membership on the grounds of sex, race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or political affiliation.

b)    Membership is open to all persons aged 16 and over. Those under the age of 16 may attend with the consent of the committee and consent of an adult family member or guardian and where possible they will be accompanied and chaperoned by that person.

c)     Membership is gained on payment of a monthly subscription and by registering with an email address, telephone number and emergency contact details within the group’s app and club management solution.

d)     Membership will cease on leaving the app and club management solution, but that person may rejoin at any time.

e)     In general everyone should have access to 1 session a week, subject to sports hall availability. If you train or have a match on Tuesday you do not receive an invitation for that week's Thursday session.  This is to ensure that all members have a fair chance to participate in a training session.

f)      If sign up levels are looking low, the coaching team may invite players who have already accepted an invitation in the same week to ensure drills and activities are effective for those in attendance.

Hermitage Volleyball Club Member's Conduct:

a)     All Club members should conduct themselves with respect, maturity, integrity, and sportsmanship, both on and off the court.

b)     Treat all club members, visitors, opponents, coaches, officials and facility staff with fairness and courtesy, regardless of the outcome of the game or training session. 

c)     All members should uphold the club's values by displaying discipline, positive attitudes and focus during practices, matches and events.

d)     Good conduct also includes being punctual, participating fully, and encouraging others, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment for all. 


The Hermitage Volleyball Club committee may at any time modify or amend these terms and conditions; in which case any change shall take effect upon being posted to this webpage and will be communicated via the group app.

If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions you can contact us at hermitagevb@gmail.com or if you would prefer, you can speak with a member of the committee or coaching team.

Last modified 23 September 2024


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